Help me to the European Championship

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Hello everyone, I am Ge Tingzhu, I am 16 years old come from China and have been playing baseball for 6 years, 1 year softball. I was selected last year and will go to Stuttgart to join the U19 European Championship in May 2024. I am very good at hitting, I am very fast and I am also very agile in the infield. My pitch speed is very fast.

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I am very enthusiastic and I love playing on the court. I can run really fast from base to base. My trowing velo is also very fast. I can quickly understand the key points that the coach tells me and correct them immediately. In the future, I really want to represent the Dutch national team to go to the Olympics, international leagues, etc.


In May I will go to Stuttgart, Germany with the team Netherland Softball Unitied to join European Championship, so I need nearly 500 euros. In order to reduce the cost, I need your sponsorship!

May 5, 2024

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Ge Tingzhu

€ 1 
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(3.5 sterren) • 10 reviews

Hello everyone, I am Ge Tingzhu, I am 16 years old come from China and have been playing baseball for 6 years, 1 year softball. I was selected last year and will go to Stuttgart to join the U19 European Championship in May 2024. I am very good at hitting, I am very fast and I am also very agile in the infield. My pitch speed is very fast.

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